Opportunities to Serve
Family Ministry
We'd love your help in making EAC a great place for kids and youth! Volunteer on Wednesday nights or Sunday mornings to share the love of Jesus with kids anywhere from the nursery through high school.
Worship Team
Help your church family worship God through music on Sundays! If you sing or play an instrument, we'd love to have you as part of our worship team.
Tech Booth
Help your church worship through operating lights and slides, running sound, and streaming video. No experience needed, just a heart to serve.
Every Child Initiative
Through the Every Child Initiative, foster families are identified and matched with volunteers who provide support and care to foster parents as well as foster children. These support services include babysitting, tutoring, transport, meals, lawn work, etc. By providing emotional and physical support, we're able to sustain those called to foster care and provide consistent gospel exposure for vulnerable children in our community.
Hospitality Team
This team warmly greets the EAC family from the parking lot to the lobby on Sundays. They prepare communion, provide meals to families and individuals in a needful season, make hospital and home visits, and make check in phone calls to folks we've missed.
Feed My Sheep
A ministry in partnership with Edgewater Alliance Church. Bless those who have just welcomed a new baby, moved, or had a surgery, illness, or hardship by bringing them a meal.
Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.
Matthew 25:40