Prayer Ministries
“To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.”
-Martin Luther
Pray for Others or Submit a Prayer Request
God's Word calls us to lift one another up in prayer, and the greatest act of love we can offer our brothers and sisters is to pray for them. We know life can be difficult at times and we don't want you to go through it alone. Send us your prayer requests and remember to let us know how God answers. (If you have a confidential prayer request, please call the church office.)
Please request prayer only for someone with whom you have some kind of connection. For example, a "friend of a friend" request would normally not be sent to the prayer chain.
Whenever possible, please obtain permission before submitting a request about someone else.
Please be brief and to the point. We’ve found that the shorter the request, the more likely it is that people will read and pray about it.
Prayer requests are edited before being sent to the prayer chain.
Prayer Groups
On-Campus Prayer Gatherings
Join us in praying for needs submitted on Sunday Connection Cards and through our website.
Moms in Prayer
Moms in Prayer International impacts children and schools worldwide for Christ by gathering women to pray. MIPI's vision is that every school in the world would be covered with prayer.
Join the group to be reminded of upcoming prayer meetings.
Contact Linda Adams for more information adams.linda@gmail.com or (386) 689-8889
Transform Your Prayer Life
Are you looking for a way to bring vitality to your prayer life? Daniel Henderson's book, Transforming Prayer, provides a practical method of using the Scriptures when you pray. Start by selecting a Bible passage, then follow this pattern:
1. REVERENCE - Who is God?
2. RESPONSE - How should I respond?
3. REQUEST - What should I pray about? (Requests concern Resources and Relationships)
4. READINESS - Where do I go from here?
The key is building a culture of adoration rather than a culture of requests through prayer that is Worship-based, Scripture-fed, and Spirit-led. Try it!