Every Child Initiative
By providing emotional and physical support, we're able to sustain those called to foster care and provide consistent gospel exposure for vulnerable children in our community.
Sponsor a child of Iglesia de Cristo Ebenezer Church in Lempira, Honduras. $15/month provides a child with two nutritious meals per week, school shoes, school supplies, discipleship, and other benefits throughout the year.
Good News Club
Tell children about Jesus at an after-school program at Edgewater Public Elementary one afternoon a week.
Coverings of Love - Quilting Ministry
Create beautiful quilts for cancer patients and share the warmth of Christ's love.
Pack the Pantries
Annual event to shop and fill local food pantries and purchase resources for a local crisis pregnancy center.
Operation Christmas Child
Pack shoeboxes to share the good news of Jesus Christ with children around the world.
Hot Meal Program
Prepare and serve a free hot meal to those in need.
Royal Family Kids Camp
Royal Family Kids hosts a camp for children in foster care.
Our Partners Around the Globe
Rob & Hilary Bartholdson
Ethnos 360
Gabe & Katie Crosby
YWAM Orlando
Cassandra House
Envision Indonesia
Matt & Terri Perrotto
Envision Miami
Keith & Teri Newburn
C&MA Uruguay
Freddy & Raquel Riveron
Johnathan & Katie Finkbeiner
C&MA West Africa
Bob & Mary Anne Parschauer
What if God was already at work and was simply inviting you to come with Him? What if you could join strategic projects and learn from those immersed in ministry? As a ministry of THE ALLIANCE, Envision provides opportunities for you to participate in short-term mission trips, internships, and long-term in-country commitments. You'll experience discipleship working with and serving under long-term workers who are pioneering, building, and leading impactful ministries in their cities.
Send Me
If you’d like to know more about serving with The Alliance, CLICK HERE.

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
Acts 1:8