Job: Pastor of Missional Community and Outreach
Job Type: Full Time
Reports to: Senior Pastor
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Purpose and Role: Edgewater Alliance Church believes all followers of Jesus should be both on mission AND in community with others. We want people to experience community and participate in mission through missional communities (See Appendix). We are seeking to add a pastoral member to our leadership team who can oversee and build a thriving culture of missional communities by creating an effective missional community system that recruits, equips, and coaches missional community leaders. We desire to be a decentralized people and this is designed to help us not only gather in community but scatter on mission throughout our city and beyond.
Primary Responsibilities (Approximately 75% of job description):
- In concert and harmony with other EAC ministries and staff, build a thriving culture of missional communities at EAC by recruiting, equipping, and coaching missional community leaders/participants and creating a system to do these things well.
- Create an effective system for promoting and assimilating people into missional communities.
- Model what you want to see reproduced by starting and leading a missional community yourself.
- Encourage and support current existing groups to become missional communities. This could look like encouraging “small groups” to take on a mission and existing missional groups to become a community (see appendix A).
- Find and develop collaborative endeavors in our community, providing opportunities for missional engagement for both missional communities and our church as a whole.
- Be a highly engaged and collaborative member of the leadership team of EAC (Staff and Elders). This will require you to be engaged with matters beyond the purview of missional community ministry.
Other Responsibilities (Approximately 25% of job description; more general pastoral duties including but not limited to):
- Preaching (4-7 times annually)
- Weddings/ Funerals (as needed)
- Pastoral counseling (likely minimal outside of ministry to missional community leaders)
- Teaching (i.e. possible “feeder class” for potential missional community leaders/participants)
- Serve as staff liaison to our senior adult ministry and be a pastoral presence at other ministry gatherings as directed by the senior pastor
- Work in concert with Missions Council
- Create and lead annual “Church Serve Sunday” where instead of gathering for a church service our people serve in various ways out in the community.
- A fervent love of Jesus and others.
- Has experience in and ability to perform all tasks mentioned above.
- Substantial experience and success leading missional communities or something comparable (i.e. micro churches).
- Likes to be around people and has good relational skills.
- A team player who will be a positive collaborator with the existing staff and elders.
- Theological Training (minimum of bachelor’s degree preferred) and in close theological alignment with the Christian and Missionary Alliance.
Appendix: On Missional Communities
What we believe:
Missional communities are intentionally inclusive communities founded by followers of Jesus which have an emphasis on kingdom advancement outside the lives of its members, who are seeking to grow in his spirit, truth, teaching and mission together.
While a traditional “small group” “community group”, “home group”, or “cell group” can meet a very valid need people feel for community, these groups often have minimal emphasis on mission, resulting in minimal missional impact.
As a distinction from a typical “small group”, “community group”, or “cell group” missional communities have an emphasis on kingdom advancement outside of the lives of its members in addition to edification that comes through community built on Christ, informed by the Scriptures, and filled with the Spirit.
So while missional communities should include intentional times for prayer, study, and fellowship (elements commonly found in a traditional Christian small group) they must go beyond these elements into mission.
When Jesus taught his disciples to pray he taught them to pray “your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”. Jesus desired (and wanted his followers to desire) a world that functioned like Heaven, where Gods Kingdom is fully made manifest.
So here is where it gets fun. We get to ask:
“What would the world look like if things happened here on earth according to the will of God just like they did in heaven?” As we answer that question we begin to find the spaces where followers of Jesus can direct their prayers, efforts, and resources to advance the mission.
For example, I think we can all agree on the following:
- In Heaven people know who the Kings is.
- In Heaven there are no lonely people.
- In Heaven there are no poor people.
- In Heaven there are no orphans.
A missional community might identify a specific area or two where things “are not as they are in heaven” and seek to change that. A missional community might seek to serve the poor together, care for orphans, or regularly throw parties in their neighborhood to foster community and conversations where they might be able to tell people about King Jesus.
While there is a great amount of freedom concerning what these communities can look like and the kinds of things they can do we suggest the following as non-negotiable missional community practices.
- One scheduled monthly gathering focused on growing spiritually together.
- One time together monthly intentionally focused on something connected to mission (I.e. feeding the hungry, mentoring students, doing prison ministry, caring for foster kids, hosting a neighborhood cookout, intentional evangelism etc. Note: This list of examples could literally go on for pages!
Missional communities can be either geography based (i.e. a specific neighborhood), demographic based (i.e. missional community for soccer moms), or burden based (i.e. a missional community of foster parents).
The important thing is that people in these communities centered on Christ and His mission have intentionally patterned their lives together regularly in community and mission as described above.
Note: While we believe our call to mission comes first and foremost from Jesus Christ, our understanding of what it can look like to live missionally in our Western context at this time in history has been largely impacted by Hugh Halter, who has invested time into Edgewater Alliance Church over the last few years. Michael Frost’s Surprise the World book has also been a tool utilized to instruct our people into missional living.